Breast Cancer Awareness
Each year, October marks breast cancer awareness month, a campaign aiming to bring awareness to the disease. It’s also a time to promote life-saving education and research in order to fight for a cure and support those who are suffering. CCHC knows that healthy individuals, means a healthy community and we encourage our patients and clients to think pink!
In 2019, it is estimated that 41,760 women will die from breast cancer in the US. Although the death rates have been decreasing since the 80’s, the fight against breast cancer is far from over. Breast cancer can be detected at any age, yet the most significant risk factors for breast cancer are being a female and growing older. In comparing women younger than 45, breast cancer is more commonly found in African Americans than white women, and they are more likely to die from the disease compared to other races. Additionally, factors such as lack of exercise, poor diet, stress and anxiety and smoking can put you at risk. In the Chicago’s predominately black Southside, the risk is dangerously high, but CCHC is here for you.
Early detection saves lives. Mammograms do not guarantee that cancer can be found early, but it is still very important and the best early detection method available. The American Cancer Society recommends that for the average risk woman, women aged 40 to 44 should begin considering mammograms and each year should be screened. Self-examines are equally important. Women of all ages are encouraged to check their breasts for lumps and speak with a doctor. This goes for men too. Yes, even though only less than 1% of breast cancer diagnoses are male in the US, it still happens.
A mammogram takes approximately 20 minutes and a self-breast exam can take even less time than that. In a time where we are so used to convivence and speed, this isn’t much of a sacrifice. Especially when your health is on the line. Keep in mind that 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. So, do yourself a favor—love yourself, stay educated, and spread the word.